Do you have someone in your life who likes making youtube videos? Have you already got them a gift for tomorrow? Well, if you are still looking, check out this! And since it is all digital, no wrapping...  BONUS! :) If you are still hunting and have time to go out, check out my list of gifts for the photographer in your life! :)

If you have not heard about videoblocks or audioblocks let me give you a brief summary. It is a database of video and audio clips that you can download, keep and use royalty free for whatever you want. It is a huge archive of B-roll for your youtube channels and much more, being utilised by major stations like National Geographic. Go check them out, I am not doing them justice! But for $99 for a 1 year subscription to both... it is FANTASTIC! Thanks Fro!

I learned about this offer from FroKnowsPhoto, a great weekly show that has many great offers and deals...  check them out too! :)
