I'm often asked how i get interesting images, and this is what I do...  I wink! No, I'm not kidding, I suggest you all WINK! :) This is also a great tip for those of you who might have embarked on a 365 project, as trying to take an interesting picture of the mundane, everyday life subjects, can be difficult!

If you have any other tips, leave them in the comments at the end! :)

1) Wink

I do actually mean literally wink. This way you will see the world in 2D, like your photographs. It will help you see what a photo of the scene will look like.

2) Imagine

... you are a tourist seeing what you are seeing for the first time. Imagine you have never seen the subject, or anything like it before, and try and see what is interesting about it. What kind of kind of environment is it in?

3) New angles

Get a new perspective on the subject. Don't just shoot at your eye level, get high, get low, go telephoto, go wide, get close and get far. Your images will tell a different story because of the different perspective. :)

4) Kick your arse...

... and get out shooting. If you're not shooting, you are not improving. :) Go out at different times of the day/night to see a different view of normal life. Mornings, midday and evenings have different light, moods, activities. Utilize this. :)
